Bovine colostrum: efficacy and use in sports & health
Colostrum is made from the first milk (colostrum) of cows. First milk is produced by the mother cow within the first hours and days after calving. Basically, colostrum consists of the genuine, intact total protein of the milk, i.e. the two main fractions whey and casein. However, it has a different composition compared to normal milk and is very rich in growth- and immunomodulating nutrients. These substances enable the calf to grow well, prevent infections and develop a strong immune system (e.g. allergy protection). Since today's dairy cows produce far more milk than their calves effectively need, the surplus of colostrum can be used for food supplements.
Strengthens the immune system, promotes muscle building and supports regeneration
Colostrum, the first milk of cows very rich in growth- and immunomodulating nutrients, is used in particular to maintain a strong immune system, but also in connection with regeneration or strength/muscle building of ambitious athletes. Due to its complete and intact protein structure, which in contrast to pure whey protein provides a sustained supply of amino acids, colostrum is very suitable as a slowly available protein in the evening directly after training or as a late meal before going to bed. The use of colostrum is also suitable during phases of increased immune stress: for example, during flights to competitions and training camps, at crowded events and intensive contact with other people, especially during the annual flu season.
To benefit from the full efficacy of COLOSTRUM from SPONSER® (only available in Switzerland!), take 20-30 g of colostrum per day in food, drinks or combined with other protein shakes. Pure colostrum is highly water-soluble and tastes best in combination with chocolate or cocoa powder, instant coffee or mixed fresh fruits.
Colostrum is no doping
For the production of SPONSER® COLOSTRUM (only available in Switzerland!), only milk from the first and second milking within the first 12 hours after the birth of the calf is used, not during 48-72 hours as is often the case elsewhere. Gentle heating during production ensures that the valuable ingredients are preserved. Although colostrum contains many natural growth factors, it is not on the WADA doping list and does not pose a risk in this regard. Nevertheless, it is advisable to purchase colostrum only from reliable sources.
» Colostrum: Background information & documentation of studies (PDF)
Please note that COLOSTRUM from SPONSER is only available in Switzerland!
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Author: Remo Jutzeler
Ing. Applied Food Sciences UAS
MAS Nutrition & Health ETHZ