Photo credit: Michael Rauschendorfer ZVG Jan van Berkel
Swiss Ironman pro athlete Jan van Berkel about his nutrition
Jan, what is special in your nutrition before a competition?
A NO-Loading with NITROFLOW PERFORMANCE and RED BEET VINITROX is very important for me. Also, I try to reduce the dietary fibres a bit. I increase the carbohydrates three days before the race, but not excessively.
What are the most important food aspects in a long-distance competition?
Individuality: What works for me can be completely wrong for another athlete. And flexibility: In an Ironman there are always unknown situation that throw a nutrition concept overboard. If you stay within a rigid nutrition concept, failure will be guaranteed.
Your biggest nutrition misadventure ever?
At the Inferno Triathlon I used a bottle on the bike that was a bit mouldy. Since the bike has to be parked in the transition zone the day before the race, you can't get to this transition zone on the morning of the race. So, my bottle with the COMPETITION® sports drink has already turned acid. When I opened it during the race, the liquid came out like shaken champagne! I therefore stopped at a fountain in order to stay hydrated on my way up to Kleine Scheidegg.
What are your favourite SPONSER products in your everyday life?
1. WHEY ISOLATE 94: High-quality proteins are the cornerstone of my regeneration.
2. PROTEIN LOW CARB BAR: I dip it into homemade peanut butter and get probably the healthiest «Snickers» in the world.
3. ACTIVATOR 200: Because sometimes there is no good coffee around and sometimes you just need a caffeine boost!