Photo credit: ZVG Jakob Herrmann
«Before competition I pay attention to long-chain carbohydrates»
You don't have to introduce Jakob Herrmann any more to ski mountaineering athletes. The Austrian has been a member of the national ski mountaineering team for years and has attracted attention as a sky runner. In the following interview, the charming endurance athlete from Werfenweng (Salzburger Land) talks about his nutrition.
What does your breakfast look like on a typical competition day?
My breakfast on a race day is very light. What must not be missed under any circumstances is: coffee! Since I fuel well the day before a race, I eat rice waffles with banana and honey or jam for breakfast. Before the start I drink RECOVERY DRINK so that I not only consume carbohydrates but also some protein.
Do you do a carboloading or do you follow a special nutritional tapering before a competition?
I always eat carbohydrates with every meal and like to cook. I prefer Mediterranean cuisine. One day before the competition, I make sure I eat «good», i.e. long-chain carbohydrates in the form of rice, risotto, polenta and porridge. I know what I like best, but I don't go crazy when I'm on the road and just get noodles. It just has to taste good! And if there is still some cake from the day before (e.g. banana bread, so no cakes with cream or a lot of fat), then I treat myself to some cake with coffee in the afternoon.
What is your favourite SPONSER product?
In general, the RECOVERY DRINK is my favourite. I often use it in training, because it has the perfect ratio of carbohydrates and protein for me. In addition, it is lactose-free, therefore super compatible and tasty.
Is there a sports nutrition product that needs to be invented for you and your activities?
I would like to see the RECOVERY DRINK with a new taste. Kaiserschmarren or apple strudel, but there's the danger that it tastes very artificial, right? I'm generally not the fruity type for drinks and I'm more into vanilla and chocolate. So I would have an idea for a new RECOVERY DRINK: Cappuccino! I love coffee!